English: Reach the Source Drink
Also Known As: Decoction Acting on the Half-Exterior and Half-Interior of the Body
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Sm. Arecae Bing Lang 6-12g Regulates Qi, reduces accumulations, drains downward, unblocks the bowels, promotes urination, treats malarial disorders and relieves nausea.
Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis Hou Po 3-9g Promotes the movement of Qi in the Middle Jiao, resolves Stagnation, resolves Food Stagnation, Promotes the descends Qi, dries Dampness and transforms Phlegm.
Fr. Amomi Cao Guo 1-6g Strongly dries Dampness, warms the Middle Jiao, disperses Cold, alleviates malarial disorders, dissolves Stagnation and distention and removes Phlegm.
With Hou Po and Bing Lang, for a pathogen entering the membrane source manifesting as strong alternating chills and fever, a stifling sensation in the chest, nausea or vomiting, headache and a tongue with deep red edges and a thick, foul and pasty coat.
Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu 3-9g Clears Heat, drains Fire, clears Heat from the Qi Stage, Lungs and Stomach, nourishes Yin, moistens Dryness, generates Fluids, clears Deficiency Fire and quenches thirst.
With Cao Guo, regulates Cold and Heat, harmonizes the Exterior and Interior and treats malarial diseases with Tai Yin turbid Dampness fuming upward with irritability, Heat and profuse sweating.
With Huang Qin, for coughing with Excess Lung Heat.
Rx. Paroniae Alba Bai Shao 3-9g Astringes Yin and adjusts the Ying and Wei.
With Gan Cao, for epigastric, hypochondriac or flank pain.
Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin 3-9g Clears Heat, dries Dampness, drains Fire and detoxifies.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 1-6g Moistens the Lungs, resolves Phlegm, stops coughing, clears Heat, relieves Fire toxicity, moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs and guides the herbs to all twelve channels.
  • Relieves Gallbladder Heat
  • Pacifies the Liver and Gallbladder
  • Eliminates Dampness
  • Cleasrs pathogenic factors
  • Clears away filth
  • Transforms turbidity
  • Qi Stage Gallbladder Heat
  • Shao Yang Jing
  • Alternating chills and fever
  • Bitter taste in mouth
  • A stifling sensation in the chest
  • Thirst
  • Dry throat
  • Rib pain (doesn't like touch)
  • Hypochondriac pain
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Hypogastric pain and distension
  • Scanty, turbid, yellow urine
  • T: Red with deep red edges
  • C: Yellow, thick foul and pasty
  • P: Rapid and wiry
  • Contraindicated for those with more Heat than Dampness.
  • Discontinue use once the obstruction has been eliminated and the pathogen discharged.
  • Repeated inappropriate use of this formulawill cause Ministerial Fire to flare stirring Internal Liver Wind with spasms and convulsions.
For hypochondriac pain, diminished hearing and a bitter taste in the mouth: For back and neck pain:
+ Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
+ Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu For pain in the orbital and frontal areas with dry nasal passages and insomnia:
For fever and chills with chills predominant, marked distention, heavy limbs, and an extremely thick tongue coat:
+ Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
For conditions that worsen in the afternoon and evening:
- Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
- Rz. Anemarrhenae Zhi Mu - Sm. Arecae Bing Lang
+ Hb. Eupatorii Pei Lan + Fr. Gardeniae Zhi Zi
+ Hb. Artemisiae Scopariae Yin Chen + Rx. Cynanchi Atrati Bai Wei
For loss of consciousness with flatulence, sudden fainting, cold limbs, sweating on the forehead:
    - Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
    + Rz. Acori Tatarinowii Shi Cang Pu